Catalan language courses in Luxembourg – Catalan language courses in Luxembourg
As French, Portugese, Italian or Spanish, Catalan is a Latin language whose origins are between the VIII and IX century. In Spain, in the years 1980, the Statutes of Autonomy of Catalonia, of the Balearic Islands and the Valencian Country (under the name of "Valencian") Catalan declare official language, which has restored its use in all areas of public life. Catalan is now the language of public education in Catalonia. It is also the language of the three public TV channels, several private and local channels, two regional newspapers, Many local newspapers, etc.
Cultural life in the Catalan language is rich and attractive. Every year publishers publish more 7 000 titles in Catalan. It is also the official language of the Principality of Andorra. Today Catalan is spoken by more than 7 million people on 11 million of its linguistic area, a band covering the east of the Iberian Peninsula and southern France, Alicante to Perpignan, Mallorca up to Andorra, Sardinia (Alghero) and beyond.
Many people spend their holidays in these regions; knowledge of Catalan will make their stay more pleasant and profitable.
Registration for Catalan language courses 2024-2025 Luxembourg
A1 (beginner):
A2 (elementary):
B1 (intermediate):
B2 (upper intermediate):
C1 (advanced):
C2 (Proficient / Fluent):
Lieu: Local du CCL 88. Rue de la Semois, Luxembourg villeand
The day of classes and times will be decided jointly between the students and the course instructor.. A minimum of 5 registered is required to do the course.
Students max per class 10.
PRICE: 225€
To register, thank you to contact us at our mail address. Contact us also to find out about the possibilities of à la carte courses.
Catalan language examinations of the Ramon Llull Institute in Luxembourg
The Luxembourg Català Centre organizes for years in Luxembourg of course for all who wish to learn about the study of the Catalan language or deepen their knowledge.
Catalan knowledge can be validated by a formal review. L’Institut Ramon Llull organizes examinations and emits certificates with the objective of validating the different levels of knowledge of the Catalan language. They are recognized for Catalan and Spanish administrations, and in the world of business and commerce.
The following are the characteristics of levels and elemental Bàsic.
This test certifies a basic mastery of the Catalan language. This level allows you to express yourself in most everyday situations. The test consists of 4 parties:
- Adaptation to the communicative situation 15 % des points; 15 min: Adapting to game communication. This is a test in which the candidate has to choose, from three options, the one that best suits the situation in question. You will find 15 various issues.
- Listening (30 % des points; 30 min):The candidate must listen to snippets of information and be able to enter keywords and the overall sense.
- Reading comprehension (25 % des points; 45 min): The candidate should understand the general meaning of a written text and identify the main ideas.
- Speaking (30 % des points; 15 min): Candidate must participate in a simple conversation: it must request information in an office, present a person to another, occur to someone, make a description, etc.
This test certifies sufficient proficiency in Catalan. This level allows you to express yourself independently in most everyday situations. The test consists of 5 parties:
- Reading comprehension (25 % des points; 60 min): The candidate must read and understand simple texts, newspaper clippings, etc. It must seize the words and the basic ideas and be able to understand their general meaning while perceiving details.
- Writing (12,5 % des points; 30 min): Written expression. The candidate must be able to write formal letters to request information or give information. The length of the letters will be about 150 words.
- Listening (25 % des points; 40 min): The candidate must listen to short recordings and enter the keywords and main ideas.
- Grammar and vocabulary (12,5 % des points; 40 min): Grammar and vocabulary. The candidate must master the basic grammatical structures of the Catalan. The test involves filling the white text with pronouns, verbs, prepositions and vocabulary.
- Speaking (25 % des points; 15 min): The candidate must be able to take part in a conversation: it must be able to request information, apologize, advise or suggest ideas.
Learning Catalan on the Internet
- Self and resources internet Catalan Language Service of the University of Barcelona: - Program independent learning of the Catalan language in the University of the Balearic Islands:!renderDecoratedPage.action?siteNodeId=111269&languageId=100000&contentId=201932 - The Catalan Language Learning Center at the University Jaume I of Castellón: - Self-Service in Catalan at Pompeu Fabra: - Virtual learning space that makes available materials for learning the Catalan language. - Read and talk: set of materials for learning Catalan - Internet Resources for learning Catalan Polytechnic University of Catalonia: