What is the Catalan Center of Luxembourg (CCL)?
The Catalan Centre Luxembourg / Lëtzebuerger Katalanenzentrum (CCL) was created in October 1987. Since the foundation, the most important objectives have been clearly. In first place, to promote the awareness and knowledge of the language, Catalan traditions and culture in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and neighboring regions. Secondly, to promote integration of Catalan communities in the host country. To make these goals possible, the CCL promotes many activities that allow maximum participation by all residents in Luxembourg.
Catalan Luxembourg Center has organized a variety of activities:
Has organized all styles. Classics such as Victoria de los Angeles, Jordi Savall, the Choir of Montserrat, Ariadna Chmelik and Eugenia Guri and Barcelona Orchestra 216. More traditional Tralla, First Note, Urbalia Rura, The fire hook or the Troubadours. Jazz with Tete Montoliu, Francisco Marco and brothers Mask. Songwriters like Maria del Mar Bonet, Marina Rossell, Ovid Montllor, Lluis Llach, Pau Riba, Raimon, All Soler, Lídia Pujol, Toni Xuclà, Franca Masu, Miquel Pujadó, Saki Guillem, Paul and Joan Alabajos Dausà. And as powerful groups Sau, Komando Moriles, Jordi these.Ninus, Manel, The friends of the arts, ALIDE Sans and many others.
He had writers Quim Monzo, Manuel Vazquez Montalban, Rosa Regas, Fabian Estapé, Ferran Torrent, Jordi Coca, Isabel Clara Simon, Baltasar Porcel, Albert Salvado, Xavier Bru de Sala, Xavier Rubert de Ventos or Felix de Azua. In more recent times, We have also accompanied Joan Francesc Mira, Vicente Villatoro, Albert Sánchez Piñol, Jaume Cabré, Pons Pons, Lucia and Sebastian Alzamora Pietrelli. And this long list is just a small sample.
Every year since 2006 Catalan poet participates in the first row Printemps Des Poetes Luxembourg. The list of participants includes: Carles Duarte, Valentin Gomez, Meritxell Jorba-Cucurella, Victor Obiols, Susanna Rafart, Josep Maria Sala-Valldaura, Narcís Comadira, Alex Susanna, Anna Aguilar-Amat, David Castillo, Mireia Calafell, Andreu Gomila, Maria Cabrera, Eduard Escofet i Helga Simon.
On the other band, CCL has hosted the thematic conferences of all kinds. For example, about Ramon Llull, Josep Pla, Manuel Pedrolo or travel literature. We've also heard about rare diseases, science, maths, railway development, the Statute of Catalonia, History of Catalonia, the town of Perpignan, Neus Catalan or Cuba, among others.
Obviously, also talked about politics. We have done with personalities like Ernest Benach, Vicent Partal, Oriol Junqueras, Sara Villain, Albano-Dante Fachin, Xavier Up, Anna Gabriel, Salvador Milan, Carme Forcadell, Josep Huguet, Santiago Fisas, Manuel Cruz, Bel brother and many other.
800 years of Catalan literature (National Library has), Old City Living, Lourdes Fisas (a l’Istituto Camoes, then also exposed to Lisbon Manresa), Silvia Martínez Palou, Relations between Cuba and Catalonia (Al Jean Monnet), Foreign travelers in Catalonia, Cerda, Gaudí, etc. It has also encouraged exchanges of painters Catalonia Luxembourg.
Courses for adults organized in the European Parliament with whom the CCL has a collaboration agreement (for those who have passed over 250 Pupils 20 last year). We have also offered courses for children and adults courses for Spanish speakers. There have been specific courses not show up for exams in Catalan, organized in Luxembourg in collaboration with the Institut Ramon Llull.
Twenty-seven Catalan cinema Sala Utopia all the months of January-February and the co-organization of the Spanish Film Festival from 1997. In some cases, with guests like Ventura Pons, Carles Torras and Mar Coll. Screening of a series of basic films on Catalan cinema at the Cinémathèque de Luxemburg in collaboration with the Filmoteca de Catalunya. Besides, the Center has collaborated in premieres and previews of films with Catalan participation in different cinemas.
For example, Gathering the impressive International Sardana of the Place d'Armes 1996 and again 2009. Besides, he 1995, organized a Fête Méditerranéenne also the Place d'Armes. All three events have enabled Luxembourg to present some Catalan traditions such as towers or correfocs. The Center annually organizes Sardana dancing, Habanera Festival, The Castanyada (other houses in the Benelux) and calçotada (for more 30 years). Perhaps it should be noted that in 2019 Center presented a Shepherds with 44 actors.
Recreation and activities for children (per example, Fiesta del Tio held every December), excursions (walk or bike), theater, afternoon games, afterworks practical information for newcomers, etc.
It is also important to mention the activity in recent years carried out by the Centre Catalan Luxembourg the German state of Saarland, in the German city of Treveris, in the French region of Lorraine and surroundings, as well as, incipiently, al Luxemburg belga.
Luxemburg European Capital of Culture 1995 and 2007
In Luxembourg all regions nearby cultural life was upset by a major event as it was "Luxembourg Ville Européenne de toutes Cultures 1995".
Durant l’any 1995 Center programmed directly or got introduced in the official program 16 cultural events in all genres (music, theater, art, festa popular, exposure…). Also in 1997 Carnival of Cultures and Languages Fair of Cultures and they have, thanks to Centre, Catalan presence. CCL is essential to make every effort to cooperate with the authorities, associations and cultural programmers Luxembourg, German or French to get presence, whenever possible, Catalan cultural production in different areas.
L’any 2007 the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was European Capital of Culture again. The CCL, taking advantage of this event and again reached an important presence of Catalan culture. The coincidence of this event with the choice of Catalan literature as guest of honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair was one of the strengths we make.
Cooperating with the associations of Luxembourg and elsewhere
Moreover cooperation with other associations not been Luxembourgian the Grand Duchy, from the very first moment, one of the clearest and most obvious commitment of CCL. Catalan communities abroad can not focus on his life as a simple meeting nostalgic associations, but as a way to participate in society that welcomes us. This must be done helping to improve, as emigrants, foreigners or residents Catalan, the host society and help her fight against all phenomena of intolerance or racial or social exclusion.
Much of the organized activities they have been in partnership with other organizations or institutions. Here is a list necessarily incomplete. Folk Clupp, Jazz Club, people TripAdvisor, Friendship Luxembourg-Aveyron, CLAE, Machado center, FAEL, AREL, BY, St. Michael Choir, INECC, Tell a Friend, Istuto Italian Cultural Institute, Spring of Poets Luxembourg, French Institute Luxembourg, Instituto Camoes, National Library, ACHILA, Trinitarians Metz, Neimënster Meetings Cultural Center.
Interassociativa and intercultural cooperation has always been an important goal of the Catalan Center Luxembourg. That is why, from the beginning, the CCL participates in all major intercultural activities in the country. For example, Migration Festival, the great popular annual festival that brings thousands of people from all cultural communities in Luxembourg. The Center participates with two stops: an information and food and books. So does contributing speakers and even music and folklore groups from 1989. He has also participated in other festivals intercultural, Festival Latino com, different cities.
The CCL is a member and gives full support to the activities of CLAE (Action and Liaison Committee of Foreigners), which are present over 200 foreign associations. He also collaborates with the CRE (Council of Spanish Residents) in a joint effort to full integration and participation of non-Luxembourgers in the country's life.
The Centre is also a member of the Catalan FIEC (International Federation of Associations Catalan) comprising Catalan associations present around the world and some of its members have been honored to be elected members of the Board of the Catalan Communities abroad created by the Government of Catalonia.
Seven members of the CCL have been honored with the award by Batista and Roca the IPECC (Institute of Catalan Culture Abroad): Antoni Montserrat (l’any 1993), Openness elisenda (1997), Pilar Ensign (2000), Xavier Valeri (2006), Mateu Turro (2007), Jordi Gairín (2013) Up and Serranos (2016). This award honors those who from the world of work camps for the projection of Catalan culture. The FTC has also received, Activity Award Sardanista of Casals Catalans year 1998, instituted by Obra del Ballet Popular.