They make up the board of directors of the Catalan Center of Luxembourg:
President: Jordi Gairín and Fosas
Vice: Montserrat Amer and Marta Porcel Vilaró
treasurer: Marta Rucabado
Secretary: Ramiro Muñoz
Vocals: Led Natalia, James Masanas, Núria Martínez, Màrius Mas Antolí, Marta Porcel Vilaró, Conchita Prat, Pablo Salvador and Máxim Serranos
Support board one control commission formed by:
Valentine Canadell, Rosa Kowerdowicz, Antoni Montserrat, Elena Pinillos and Xavier Valeri
Photo board (some absences) October 2019 al local
Photo board l'April 2018, the library local
Photo of the meeting 2011, the day of the inauguration of the local
(Fotografia de Sam van Maris)
Photo of the meeting 2005 Openness with Elisenda, co-fundadora del CCL
More information on former presidents and former members of the CCL board.