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7 February: Pérez, the mouse of your dreams

For the traditional children's session of the Film Series of the Catalan Center of Luxembourg, Saturday 7 February, at two-thirty in the afternoon, al cinema Utopia de Luxembourg Ville, we have chosen Pérez, the mouse of your dreams.

Pérez, el ratoncito de tus sueños

This one nice ribbon by Juan Pablo Buscaini, with a second part just released, tells the story of Lucia, a girl who spends time inventing games and dreaming of adventures. One day he loses a tooth and his parents tell him that the Pérez mouse will exchange it for a gift that he will find under the pillow. The next day, in finding nothing, she is convinced that something has happened to the mouse and goes out to look for him.

A cartoon entertainment that won a huge collection in Spain and the nomination for the Goya for best animated film. Don't forget to take the kids to the 16.30 at Cinema Utopia.