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advertisement: renewal of the board

At the meeting of the board of directors of the Catalan Center of Luxembourg on Thursday 18 June, the renewal of the positions of the board has been carried out. The people who make up this board were elected during the general assembly in December 2008 and the board meeting has only modified the charges. The main news is that Mateu Turró is no longer president and Pilar Solano is replacing him. The two vice-presidencies continue as before, as does the role of treasurer. Rocío Garcia Paino joins as secretary.

Per tant, the current board of the Catalan Center of Luxembourg remains this way:
Chairwoman: Pilar Solano
Vice: Antoni Montserrat and Xavier Valeri
Treasurer: Jordi Gairín
Secretary: Rocio Garcia Paino
Vocals: Isabel Bassols, Anthony Brossa, Valentine Canadell, Alícia Huici, Antoni Marco, Máxim Serranos, Mateu Turro