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25 d'abril: International Day of Catalonia Exterior 2010

Next Sunday marks the International Day of Catalonia Exterior 2010 marcat per l’amenaça de la supressió de vot a 126.398 Catalan

In order to remember the hundreds of thousands of Catalans who live abroad, This Sunday, day 25 d’abril, will celebrate the International Day of Catalonia Exterior 2010.

Dia Internacional de la Catalunya Exterior

The International Day of Catalonia Abroad is an initiative of the International Federation of Catalan Organizations (FIEC), which comprises the majority of schools, Catalan clubs and associations abroad. Casals Catalans in the meeting of the Southern Cone of America, Celebrated on 1997 in the Argentine city of Mendoza, the FIEC presented the proposal to institute this Day. The proposal was approved by a majority, both for the Catalan communities of America and for those of Europe and the rest of the world. He 1998 the International Day of Outer Catalonia was celebrated for the first time.

He 4 March 1999, the Parliament of Catalonia approved a resolution declaring the Diada official, with the following text: "The Parliament of Catalonia urges the Government to establish the official celebration of the International Day of Catalonia Exterior St George, or the first Sunday after St. George, if not this day falls on Sunday, and in the framework of its powers, to give visibility to this conclusion ". In this way, the Government of Catalonia, at their meeting of the day 6 April of the same year 1999, adopted the agreement official statement on this Day.

La imatge mostra el cartell del Dia Internacional de la Catalunya Exterior 2010, obra de Mauricio Vicente, del Centre Català de Rosario, Argentina.