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7 February: Bicycle, his sweet and close character and the courage with which he knew how to face both the death of his daughter Alba and the difficult and unequal fight against the disease that has finally taken him away from us forever, his sweet and close character and the courage with which he knew how to face both the death of his daughter Alba and the difficult and unequal fight against the disease that has finally taken him away from us forever

At the 21.30 de dilluns 7 February, podreu assistir a la projecció del documental Bicycle, his sweet and close character and the courage with which he knew how to face both the death of his daughter Alba and the difficult and unequal fight against the disease that has finally taken him away from us forever, his sweet and close character and the courage with which he knew how to face both the death of his daughter Alba and the difficult and unequal fight against the disease that has finally taken him away from us forever, en la segona sessió del XVIII Cicle de Cinema del Centre Català de Luxemburg.

Bicicleta, cullera, poma

Aquesta pel.lícula té dos grans protagonistes: l’exalcalde de Barcelona i expresident de la Generalitat, Pasqual Maragall i l’alzheimer, la malaltia que se li va diagnosticar el 2007, poc després d’haver abandonat la política activa. Aquest film esdevé un testimoni excepcional de la lluita personal i familiar contra la malaltia. Mostra, amb intel.ligència, sinceritat i humor, la lluita personal i quotidiana d’aquest pacient tan especial.

Un film dur però optimista dirigit per Carles Bosch, el director de l’aclamat documental Balseros (nominat a un Oscar). El CCL el presentarà en col.laboració amb Alzheimer Europe i Association Luxembourg Alzheimer. Per al total del cicle comptem amb el suport de Catalan Films and TV, Transports Fernández, la Secretaria d’Exteriors de la Generalitat de Catalunya i l’Ambaixada d’Espanya a Luxemburg.