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24 June: bicycle tour to Echternach

Wednesday 24 June will be the annual bicycle tour of the Catalan Center. We leave on the morning of Kirchberg and follow the route to Echternach (36 km, "Bicycle path 2"). The route is particularly scenic and nothing complicated. This is not a competition but a walk that includes a few stops to recharge.

Camí d'Echternach

You will find more information on the next page of l’Administration of Roads and Bridges.

If you want to come, please contact us, per resoldre l’organització d’alguns detalls com ara la tornada.

Al juliol encara proposarem un parell d’activitats i, a la tardor, tornarem amb moltes més propostes interessants, atès que s’acosta la data precisa del 25è aniversari del CCL.