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14 November: lecture by Santiago Fisas

With the prospect of elections in Catalonia Day 25 November, Catalan Luxembourg Center has invited most of the political forces that form part of the Parliament of Catalonia to send a representative to tell us your views on the current situation in Catalonia.

El tercer convidat serà Santiago Fisas, del Partit Popular. Listening on 14 November has 20.00 hours local (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg Ville). Fisas és actualment MEP, però abans ha estat regidor a l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, Conseller de Cultura, Esport i Turisme de la Comunitat de Madrid, vicepresident del Consejo Superior de Deportes, Secretari d’Estat d’Esports i vicepresident del Comitè Olímpic Espanyol.

Una setmana més tard, the day 21, serà el torn de Salvador Sedó d’UDC. We are awaiting confirmation of the representative of PSC.