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Wednesday 8 June: documentary conference Jordi Bilbeny

Saturday 8 June, al local (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg Ville), el Centre Català de Luxemburg us convida a la projecció d’un documental i a una interessant conferència. El documental triat, Colom i la Casa Reial catalana (2011), dirigit per Dani de la Orden, intenta desmuntar la fal·làcia d’un Colom plebeu, analfabet i estranger que té els alts càrrecs polítics i militars que només tenien els membres de la casa reial i certs nobles. El documental, basant-se en els estudis de Jordi Bilbeny, mira d’explicar els fets i de donar sentit a la mentalitat reial del descobridor i a la dinastia que els Colom van crear a l’altre costat de l’Atlàntic. La projecció començarà a les 15.30.

Then, aproximadament a les 16.30, we hear George Bilbeny conference entitled "Recovering the past, state matter. The manipulation of the history of Catalonia in the fifteenth, XVI and XVII through evidence and documents ". Jordi Bilbeny (Arenys de Mar, 1961) is a writer and researcher. Degree in Catalan Philology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and PhD in Modern History at the University of Barcelona. In recent years he has combined his research work with teaching Catalan language for adults. In the mid eighties, censorship began studying Christian texts throughout history. Documentant-se per a una novel·la, realizes that the information about Christopher Columbus and are inconsistent, even, contradictory, and begin a historical investigation of the case. From here, began his career as a historian. His first book, Brief relation of the destruction of history, was the result of his research on censorship, which led him to open a new perspective on the history of Catalonia.