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28 June: nit de l'havanera

The Catalan Centre Luxembourg will remember the night of the habanera this year will take place on Friday 28 in June 20.00 Sang hours in the room & Klang (1, rue des Trois Glands, Luxembourg Ville).


The program, as you know, includes dinner, good music, bon ambient i festa: una òptima manera de donar la benvinguda a aquest estiu tímid. The evening menu consists of bread with tomato, Ham, cheese, whip, sausages, omelette, coca, champagne and the traditional burning. The musical menu is in the hands of the group Vallparadís, will offer Habanera (obviously), plus waltzes, boleros i Alres fish.

Prices are for 30 euros (Partner Center), 20 euros (students and job seekers) and 38 euros. We ask that reservéssiu email our Address habitual.