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Wednesday 14 December: Christmas meal and party piñata

Catalan Luxembourg Centre invites you to a Christmas activity: Christmas lunch and Uncle Festival. Aquesta doble activitat tindrà lloc diumenge 14 December at 13.00, a la sala Sang & Klang (1, rue des Trois Glands; Luxembourg Ville). Com s’ha fet els darrers dos anys, enguany a més de la Festa del Tió celebrem un dinar de Nadal. Per a l’organització és indispensable que porteu alguna cosa per menjar i que arribeu cap a les 12.45, to have time to prepare the buffet. For its part, the CCL will contribute with the drink.

From the 16.15, in the same room, will take place the traditional festival Tió. This year, comptarem amb l’animador Jordi Patxeco, a més dels regals del tió, chocolate, Games, songs and other activities.

Please let reservéssiu before Friday 12 to our address of Contact. A booking, specify that lead to food, if you come at lunch. Si veniu al cagatió, please send us the name and age of the children who participate to customize gift.

The price for both activities is 15 euros per a nens i adults socis del CCL i 20 euros per a adults no socis.

Remember, you can only come to lunch or just for the festival Tió, però cal que ens ho feu saber quan reserveu. Obviously much better if you come to the two activities.