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Wednesday 22 March: calçotada

Yes, The time has come: Calçotada Center Catalá this 2015 ja is here. Will be held on Sunday 22 in March 13.00 hores al Local dels Scouts de Belair (38A Rue des Celts, Merl; Luxembourg Ville). as you know, the capacity of this place where we celebrated the last calçotades is limited (100 places adults) and you should register as soon as possible.

L’espectacular menú d’enguany consistirà en calçots cuinats per amoroses mans, salsa romesco (Imported directly from Alcover), sausages, lamb chops, we, cava, dessert and coffee.

For the reservation, please send us an email to the’contact address, where you indicate the names of the people registered and whether they are adults or children. Once done, you must make the payment to the CCL account number: LU42 1111 0921 6616 0000 a la CCP, making it clear the concept calçotada + name entry. The order of arrival of the deposit bank which will mark the order of registration.

Prices: 48 euros (adult nonmembers), 38 euros (adults associates Center) and 11 euros (under 7 a 15 years); for children 7 years is free.