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Recital of singer Tomas de los Santos

Sìlvia Bel i Tomàs de los Santos

He 2017 is the year of the 30th anniversary of the Catalan Centre Luxembourg, for this reason, Here are some exceptional activities. Between them, Thursday 1 in June 19.30 local CCL (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville), we welcome the performance of the Valencian singer-songwriter Tomàs de los Santos, that will offer us own songs and musical poems of great authors in Catalan language.

Tomàs de los Santos, born in Valencia, he is a musician, singer-songwriter and a person committed to various causes. He has two published works: Women and gifts, a work dedicated to women and human qualities (who received the Ovidi Montllor award), and Second hand (2016). His work in translating Catalan poems into music has been recognized with the IV Miquel Martí i Pol Prize. He also collaborates from 2015 with actress Sílvia Bel in a show entitled “I loved life so much”, based on texts by Vicent Andrés Estellés and other poets (as Rosa Leveroni and Miquel Martí i Pol). The photo that illustrates this text is, in fact, a moment in this show.

You can find out more and listen to his songs this link.

Free entrance. In collaboration with Printemps des poètes Luxembourg.
