Catalan Luxembourg Center continues to host for the exams of the Institut Ramon Llull in Luxembourg.
Friday, 2 March, The application period began testing for obtaining Catalan language certificates from the Institut Ramon Llull corresponding to the first round of this year, no later than the day 25 d’abril. The certificates allow the IRL demonstrate the level of knowledge of Catalan in both the academic and labor (public administration, business, institutions) and divided into five levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The payment period will take place later through electronic, of 27 d'April 7 May. The first round of testing will take place between 12 i the 26 May, on different dates according to the level necessary to evaluate.
- 12/05/2018 upper level
- 12/05/2018 intermediate
- 19/05/2018 basic level
- 19/05/2018 elementary
- 26/05/2018 sufficiency level
The Catalan language certificates of the Institut Ramon Llull, official body of knowledge of Catalan abroad, corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and progress on a scale of 5 knowledge levels established by the ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe), used by most European languages. The certificates allow to prove the level of knowledge of Catalan in both the academic and labor (public administration, business, institutions).
The Generalitat of Catalonia has among its language policy aims to assess and certify knowledge of Catalan by means of an examination system. This objective is carried out by two agencies: Directorate General for Language Policy in Catalonia, and the Institut Ramon Llull outside the linguistic domain of the Catalan language. Therefore, recognized certification bodies of two different Catalan language and define their respective responsibilities while retaining, But, Drive System (levels, structure, types of exercises and evaluation criteria) and establishing a comparison of the effects of total certificates issued by either agency.
The tests called the Ramon Llull Institute and other institutions, DGs such as language policy of the Government of Catalonia, of the Valencian Government or the Government of the Balearic Islands, have comparable quality standards and ensure rigorous certification of knowledge of Catalan.