Wednesday 7 December will the fat: port services the Shepherds!
It will be at 16.30 hores a la sala de Robert Krieps colors. The very well-known work of Josep Maria Folch i Torres, The Shepherds and the advent of the baby Jesus comes thanks to the Avignon Theater Group, format per 40 actors. This Group will travel expressly from Central Catalonia to make us enjoy an excellent version of the Catalan Christmas classic.
The ticket prices are 15 euros for adults and 10 for children 14 years. For children up to 3 years admission is free. You can buy them by sending an email to colors.
The theater has a long tradition in Avignon, but it was not until years 90 when he gave a boost to the current Avignon Theater Group at the hands of George Corrius. After early performances with the old cinema Catalonia and small performances in the courtyard of the Civic Center, the inauguration of the renovated premises Catalonia, he 2008, gave the final push to the theater group.
The Avignon Theater Group consists of a group of people who enjoy doing theater. They are versatile and diverse group, where the contribution of each member is essential to the smooth running of the organization.