CAUTION: given the general situation, we have been forced to cancel this activity. We hope to be able to introduce the group to you later.
Friday 13 March, at 19.30, al local (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville) we present the concert group
On the Raw
Format per Alex Ojea (percussion), Jordi Amela (keyboards), Jordi Prats (guitar), Pep Espasa (saxophone and flute) i Toni Sánchez (low), On the Raw and Catalan group progressive. All its members are from the previous groups well known in the scene progressive Catalan (such as Harvest, Dracma o Apple Smell Colour) and now have come together to work on a different project, more personal.
His music, instrumental, draws on the sources of jazz but flirts with rock and electronics. The result is a very own style, very emotional, that is becoming increasingly popular in Catalonia and around. In fact, Luxembourg concert is part of a European tour including Belgium and Germany. In fact, in the Netherlands they are highly valued, to the point that his second album (Climbing the Air) was included among the best of the 2019 by the reference magazine in progressive rock.
We will open the doors to 19.00 and the concert will start at 19.30. Prices are for 15 euros (partners) O 20 euros (non-members).
While we wait for March to arrive, you can hear them here.