Pares, mares, Children, girls, we have good news: soon the fun starts 2022-2023.
At the CCL we are restarting theRecreation for children from the age of three and also the children's library.
This year there are novelties. They will be one and a half hour sessions with a single group, but with different activities for young and old. And after the play there will be a snack to kick off the conversation.
Recreation: 15h to 4:30 p.m. in the Center premises (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxemburg city).
have a snack + library: 16h30 a 17h00 (with fathers and mothers).
DATES 2022/2023:
26 November
14 January
25 February
25 March
22 d’abril
10 June
1 July
Annual price per boy or girl: 50 € (partners) / 65 € (non-members)
If you 3 or older, We are waiting for you on Saturday with great desire to have a good time!
Sign up by sending an email to us contact address before the 10 November, indicating "Splai CCL + Name" in the subject line. cal send us (1) the registration form you will find here, and (2) a passport photo of the boy or girl. Payment must be made to the CCL account number: LU42 1111 0921 6616 0000 a la CCP, making the concept "Splai CCL + Name" at the entrance.