On The Left Hand Path, Fernando Sánchez Dragó dictates his first living will - very vital- , although necessarily provisional, because the journey of your existence has not yet ended. The author summarizes his very personal philosophy - the art of living (and also that of dying)- in one hundred and eighty-one precepts based on common sense, in culture and, above all, in the experience. What we are offered here is a subversive code of conduct, nietzscheano, pagano, more eastern than western, liberator, heterodox and radically opposed to the discourse of modernity. Some of his commandments do not need any explanation; others are accompanied and illustrated by suggestive poetic prints, philosophical and narrative. A spiritual calendar, a game -the vichara- and a very useful dialogue about the elixir of eternal youth complete the work, subject as a whole to a single condition: that of the reader doubting everything that is told to him, because it is not the principle of authority, but those of freedom and self-government, those who encourage her. The result is a surprising invitation to ethics, to wisdom and, for it, to happiness.
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