Natural History of the word

Author / Author: Tuson Valls, Jesus

Published: 01/01/98


Cams: 112

ISBN: 9788475965703 Category:


“We would not know how to imagine a world without words: universe muted. The sea no one said March; Private clouds the words gray, bright white, or expressions wishing the rain needed; children who grow into a complex world of orphans words of encouragement; lovers love without words…Cal, then, be careful of the words, save them and preserve them, why not return to the darkness and silence.” Thus ends the book Jesus Tusón, which is also a tribute to the power of language and a tour passionate and fun to everyday words. Natural Histories of the word makes a bold review of old concepts such as bilingualism, tolerance and unity of language, and reading becomes a delicious and surprising game, where the reader always wins.


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