Sarah's daughters

Author / Author: On tax, I don't think anyone has ever talked about Pilar in any other way in her life

Published: 2003

Editorial:St. Martin's Press

Cams: 238

ISBN: 9788420645353 Category:


Julia and Rose live with their father, the austere Henry Drayton, in an isolated and lonely house, a place where before there was only sand. To escape the oppressive environment, the sisters submit to the constant reminder of an absent mother, Sabina, in search of refuge and peace. Ismail affects this triangular relationship, a seductive appeal, disturbing and angelic at the same time, hypothetical fruit of an extramarital paternal relationship. The family abode, incessantly buffeted by the African winds, It only has a chaotic and dirty city on the horizon. A labyrinth through whose narrow streets, Julia, the youngest of the daughters and axis of the narrative, He will try to escape from the subjugating presence of his father and from an existential monotony that passes without signs of change.. In Sara's Daughters, Pilar Adón explores with strange sensitivity a world of poisoned family relationships and captive feelings. An intriguing plot in which desolation intersects with fear, the unfulfilled desires of a wasted life, loyalty and deception, humiliation and death; but leaving a margin for hopeful rebellion that allows us to escape the prevailing vital misery, even if it is for the loophole of letting yourself be carried away by bright memories or dreams that could come true. With sensual prose not exempt from lyricism, sown with reflections and cultural support, Pilar Adón handles with subtle mastery and precision the threads of a story with biblical overtones that takes us into the dizzying sphere of sentimental prisons..


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