on the other side of the tunnel

Author / Author:

Published: 02/01/2002


Cams: 107

ISBN: 9788434874091 Category: Tag:


Martin bere aitarekin bizi da Dudako Herrian, herritzat hartzen ez duten bi estaturen artean kokatua, eta gehienek minuskulaz idazten dutena. Aitak ez du sekula astirik aurkitzen Martinentzat eta ama, benetan maite duena, kartzelan bizi da ehundaka kilometrotara. Egunero doa lagunekin hondartzara, nahiz eta gehienek neskez baino ez hitz egin, horretarako ahotsa gizentzen dutela gizonago agertzeko. Galdurik eta bakarrik sentitzen da, a day dedicated to the street until you come up with guitarist, do not know that song sung in a language that captivates with a mysterious. See every day on the way to the beach, without daring to speak to him, But his father and aunts and then realize that they have a relationship, The home run with her presence. in this way, in one day, Friends finds, he would always be there, not be realized even before Martin. Changes in the girls' point of view, and once it is trying to understand the reasons for his mother to be cheated.


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