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3 d'octubre: Conference Valencian writer Joan Francesc Mira National Library

El proper dimarts 3 d’octubre el CCL tindrà el plaer d’acollir l’escriptor valencià Joan Francesc Mira (Valencia, 1939) a la sala Mansfeld de la Biblioteca Nacional.


No acabaríem d’esmentar els premis que ha rebut. For example, Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes el 2004, two laps National Critics Award (per Borja Pope and Purgatory), Sant Jordi Award for Fiction (per Purgatory), National Translation Prize (for divine Comedy), Gold Medal of the City of Florence, two laps Critics Prize Serra d'Or (per Critique of Pure born and Translation divine Comedy), Award-Crexells Ateneo de Barcelona, St George Cross, Gold Letter to the best book of the year (Critique of Pure born), Prize Joan Fuster Essay (Critique of Pure Nation to), Andròmina Prize for fiction (per Silkworms)… However, despite the number, diversity, and the principal distinctions from time to time concerning, there is a glaring lack of what Valencia he should have recognized.

CCL will be an honor to host one of the best writers in Catalan.