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28 February 2 March: Baroque music concerts

The Embassy of Spain in Luxembourg and the Círculo Cultural Antonio Machado organize an interesting concert of baroque music in two sessions: Sunday 28 of February in Moesdorf and Tuesday 2 of March in Luxembourg-City.

The CUM ALTAM ensemble will present a recital entitled "El Camino Español", which includes pieces by Mateo Flecha, Bartholomew of Selma and Salaverde, Diego Jimenez, Juan Vasquez, Claudio Monteverdi, Samuel Scheidt, M. of Sainte Colombe, Michael Praetorius and John Dowland among others. The components of the group are: Laura Alonso (soprano), Quito Cat, François Joubert-Caillet, Jordi Argelaga, Margaux Blanchard to Juan Ullibarri.

The practical details are:

  • Wednesday 28 in February 17.00 at the Church of St. John the Baptist of Moesdorf
  • Wednesday 2 in March 20.00 in the Protestant Church of Luxembourg
  • Price: 10 euros (students, 5)
  • You can reserve tickets at the following phone numbers: 46 02 55, 470 89 51, 621379879