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Book loan and sale service

With the opening of the premises, the Catalan Center of Luxembourg makes a library available to its members, which bears the name of Elisenda Franquesa, co-fundadora del CCL. It was made possible thanks to donations from CCL members, some of them sadly missing.

La biblioteca del CCL

La biblioteca és oberta de dilluns a divendres, between the 16.00 and 20.00. Remember that the address is 88, Rue de la Semois; L-2533 Luxembourg City. The bibliographic collection, consisting of books and magazines, is available for both in-room consultation and for loan. Per tal de conèixer la llista de títols disponibles, you can consult the following lists:

On the other band, you can also purchase some of the books that the CCL offers for sale (deposits from different Catalan bookstores, between them, the University Library of Badalona). You can do this by coming to the venue during the aforementioned hours. The catalog of books for sale, in different languages, is available here:

Si us interessa reservar algun títol, escriviu a la Our usual address.