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Wednesday 17 June: Snow and mounting encounter with Amadeu Altafaj

Taking advantage of its presence in Luxembourg to attend a meeting of the Council of the European Union, l’Honorable Snow Munté, Minister of Welfare and Family of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and Amadeu Altafaj, representant permanent de la Generalitat de Catalunya davant de la Unió Europea i delegat del Govern català a Brussel·les, they kindly booked us a while to have that opportunity to talk to them and sent them some questions.

This meeting, Dynamic and interactive, will take place Wednesday 17 in June 18.30 the local Catalan Centre (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville). Feel free to ask them any current issue, Catalan and European.

Reception will close with a glass of champagne.

Nieves Fernández is mounting and llicendiada in Law from the University of Barcelona. She worked as a lawyer for the UGT, Syndicate where he held various positions, per example, the Secretary for Education and Employment. He was also chief of staff of the Education Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia, between 1999 i the 2002.

Amadeu Altafaj journalist training. Va arribar a Brussel·les com a corresponsal de diversos mitjans. Later acceded to the European Union where he held positions of responsibility: spokesman of the Development Commissioner and Chief of Staff of the Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs. Since December 2014 is the permanent representative of the Government to the EU.