To close the cycle of conferences policies launched last year on the occasion of the elections 27S, This year we invited the two political forces who could not come last year; in concrete, Citizens can and.
Wednesday 7 in June 19.00 the local Catalan Centre (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville) We welcome both the representative of Catalonia as it can be Fach Albano Dante Pozzi.
Albano Dante Fachin Pozzi (White Bay, Argentina 1976) member Constituent Process in Catalonia and Catalonia can, as well as member of the Parliament of Catalonia Catalonia yes you can.
A few days before their 16 years, he 4 d'April 1992, came to Catalonia with his parents and his two brothers. He studied at the IES Sa Palomera Blanes and, later, English Studies at the University of Barcelona. Before finishing his studies founded the magazine Latte, Monthly Distribution.
You can see their entire curriculum on the website of his parliamentary group.