To close the cycle of conferences policies launched last year on the occasion of the elections 27S, we have invited the two political forces who could not come last year; in concrete, Citizens can and.
Friday 10 in June 19.00, the local Catalan Centre (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville), welcome the representative of Citizens, Susana Beltran García.
Susana Beltran García (Barcelona 1966), Doctorate in law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1999), with the thesis Domestic and international legal regulation of external agreements of Western European-regional authorities. Associate Professor of Public International Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Consultant at the Open University of Catalonia. Professor of the Master in International Relations at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI). Principal investigator of the research project and development Eureges: "The participation of the regions in the European Union: evaluation " (2008-2012). published, among others, "The soberanismo under international law", a Catalonia. The myth of secession (2014); Davide Strangis, "The European experience of the Covenant of Mayors against climate change ', a Municipalities and climate change (2014); Julia Gifra, "The human right to food and water ', a food security and global security (2013); «Is there a real model in Spain for autonomous communities to participate in the Council of the European Union or is it only a mirage’», a Journal of Contemporary European Studies (2012); "The protection of human rights in Europe and their incompatibility with the sects', a Journal of European Studies (2011); "An international legal framework for Barcelona», a The municipality and international relations: legal aspects (2009). Coordinator number 99 of the CIDOB Journal of International Affairs: "The Spanish autonomous communities in the decision-making process of the EU. An Impasse ' (2012). He has also published articles in the press: Huffington Post (IS), The Diplomat in Spain, The country, Digital freedom, Global chronicle, One Europe and The voice of Galicia. Member of the Research Group ERJAIDI-EU (SGR 2009-2013). Coordinator of research Final master's degree in European integration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and its digital publishing, Research Papers. Coordinator of the Unit of International Law and International Relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008-2010). Course coordinator Documentation Center International Barcelona (CIDOB) international studies and the development (2000-2008: program extinguished). Member of the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations (He EPDIRI) and the Spanish Association for the Study of European Law (AEDEUR). Member of Doctors Without Borders from 1994. He was third vice-president of Catalan Civil Society (SCC), who was awarded the European Citizen 2014, Parliament. He is founding partner of SCC.