The Catalan Centre Luxembourg
Is pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book 'The bitter of the poppies’ by author
Silvia Vidal Muñoz
Wednesday 14 June 2016 at 19.00 hours
At the local Catalan Luxembourg Centre (88, Rue de la Semois, Luxembourg Ville)
Silvia Vidal Muñoz (Barcelona, 1966) lies between Luxembourg and Barcelona. years 80, is dedicated to amateur theater and co-founded the theater company Via Moria which opens in Barcelona with the show Banshee. Earlier 90 they moved to Luxembourg where he resides to personal reasons 2007. He currently lives between Luxembourg and Barcelona, the city where he wrote his first novel “Bitter poppies”. It also has to his credit a book of poetry entitled “Anchored in you”. He is currently working on his second book of prose, which inspired an urban context relates the life of several women whose destinies are intertwined.
L'play 'The bitter Poppies', we present, is a novel that treats Lola's harsh existence as a testimony, the protagonist, that comes to Barcelona with his family in full girl Tragic Week and will return his native Andalusia. A few years later the family returns to Barcelona and there Lola meets a friend of his brother, with whom he will marry at sixteen. Both are handsome and young, and go to Morocco where Jose mount the first cinema in Tangier.
Free admission with a glass of champagne to all attendees at the end of the presentation