As many of you already know, Last year was the second year that the Government, via the Catalan Youth and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, opened the door to children and adolescents Catalans abroad to participate in summer camps organized via (XANASCAT), with the name of your summer ( L’any passat (2016) was the first in which they organized a camp specifically for children abroad. colonies, from our point of view, were successful content and organization (Participants returned their word happy) and was a failure in terms of participation, because very few children took part. This lack of participation is due primarily to the fact that the offer was presented to parents and very latest and most interested parents had sought alternatives.
Because we believe that the part of the Government is very willingness to re-arrange a new round of settlements for Catalans abroad, we thought it would be nice to do a survey to know how many children watch, boys, Girls and boys are interested in participating and what would be your preference. The results, We could try to ask the Government, send us your proposal very soon and therefore to guarantee a much larger participation of children abroad.
That is why so much from the FIEC (International Federation of Associations Catalan) and by the members of the Council of Catalan Communities Abroad Area Europe, we believe that it would be appropriate for parents interested in summer camp responguéssiu this survey as soon as possible.
The survey can be found at this link: