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Conference Tilbert Stegmann: The pleasure of reading literature Catalan

Under the Migration Festival and Book Fair organized by the CLAE day 3, 4 and 5 March LuxExpo, Catalan Centre presents the conference catalanophyl German Tilbert Stegmann. Will Sunday 5 at 14 hours in the room 2. The title of the conference could not be more clear: The pleasure of reading literature Catalan. In fact, this is the title of the latest book by Professor Stegmann, a collection of literary essays, published in 2016.


Stegmann, invited by the Centre on several occasions Catalan Luxembourg, professor emeritus at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Catalan founder of the Library of the University of Frankfurt am Main (over 35.000 volumes in Catalan, is one of the treasures of the cultural heritage of Catalonia Exterior). He also founded, he 1983, la German-Catalan society (Association germanocatalana) i la Journal of Catalan Culture / Journal of Catalan Studies he 1988. He received the award Isidro Bonsoms 1972, Creu de Sant Jordi 1985, He kept the Ciemen 1990, Premi Memorial Cendrós the 1991, Prize Batista and Roca 2005, Prize Ramon Llull 2007 Pompeu Fabra and the Prize for the projection and promotion of the Catalan language 2008.