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Annual General Meeting of the Catalan Centre Luxembourg

The Catalan Luxembourg Centre invites you to its Annual General Meeting, to be held Friday 24 March 2017 at 19.00 Center hours local Catalan Luxembourg (88, Rue de la Semois, Luxembourg Ville).

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Activity Report 2016/2017
2. Approval of the Financial Report 2016
3. Plan activities 2017/2018
4. Report on the activities FIEC (International Federation of Associations Catalan) and the HPLC (Action and Liaison Committee of Foreigners)
5. Other

Members who have booked tickets for the Manel group concert (19 May), Members who have booked tickets for the Manel group concert.

Members who have booked tickets for the Manel group concert, Members who have booked tickets for the Manel group concert, Members who have booked tickets for the Manel group concert.

We ask that attended the meeting, given the importance for the whole partnership participation and opinions of members. Members who have booked tickets for the Manel group concert. All criticisms and suggestions are not only welcome, they are essential.