Thursday 11 in January 19 hours can attend a talk with the writer Pons Pons Menorca, who will talk to journalist Carlos Domenech. This is the second lecture of the series authors of Islands, organized with the support of the Institute of Language and Culture of the Balearic Islands.
Pons Pons (Alaior, Menorca, 1956) usually written in Sa Figuera Verda, an area just outside Alaior, the center of Menorca. It is a virgin land and silent, full of olive trees and birds. There is a small log cabin, books and radio batteries to listen to classical music. The animals have names that go with universal writers. In this world ultra local, Pons trace bridges with European literatures, especially with the French, the Portuguese Italian.
Pons Pons will talk about their world full of cultural influences, their literature and their teachers. The author was the National Critics Award Catalan poetry (2006) with just, Ramon Llull Prize (2007), Critics Prize Serra d'Or poetry (2007), Carles Riba Prize (1996), Palma City Award (1995). His last collection, entitled Camp bard, Gone Prize Miquel de Palol Girona (2015). It is also a prolific author of books for children and youth, and literary translator of Italian and Portuguese. He was named Writer of the Year 2011 in the Balearics.