Friday 15 from the 18.30 hours we have prepared an evening with two very different activities.
Taking advantage of the presence in Luxembourg poet Maria Cabrera, representing the Catalan Spring of Poets, we organized a meeting with her Friday evening.
He will talk about his career as a poet and rhapsodist, recite some verses, answer our questions and, at the same time, can crush and drink. Remember that Saturday and Sunday will have the opportunity to listen to recitals of Printemps.
Maria Cabrera Callis (Girona, 1983) is a regular poetry readings in Catalonia and abroad. He has published books Jonah, Am clear (2009) and The city tired. Rhapsody is the musical The wild pea and Vladivostok, and co-organizer of the literary self fanzín heart furry.
to finish, at 20.00 hours, The second part of the night: follow, big screen, the football match between Spain and Portugal World Russia.
Free admission for both activities.