The last weekend of spring, particular day 16 and 17 June, Luxembourg hosts a new edition of the festival Printemps Des Poetes. One year, is to meet the Grand Duchy poets from across Europe in a series of recitals and activities that allow the encounter between the public and poetry, in several languages.
edition 2018, dedicated to burning (The ardor!), has an organizing committee renovated and has some differences compared to previous years. Most significant is the big concert on Saturday evening this time will be outdoors. By Catalan, Our guest this year is Maria Cabrera.
The complete program of the Printemps, you can check here, O here in PDF, is as follows:
– Wednesday 16 has 12: brunch in the restaurant poetic Abbey Neimënster
– Wednesday 16 of the 15 them 16.30h: poetic illustration workshop for children from 8 years with the Madrid artist and poet Álvaro Marzán Luxembourg Corina Moscovich (We recommend calling the book +3522620521) and l'abadia de Neumünster
– Wednesday 16 of the 15 has the 17h: poetry workshops slam Children from 12 years (Once again we recommend booking in advance) and l'abadia de Neumünster
– Wednesday 16 from the 20: Great Night of Poetry with the participation of all the invited poets, four musicians and a dancer, the cloister of the abbey of Neimënster
– Wednesday 17 from 11am: morning poetry to her gallery Simoncini
– Wednesday 17 from the 17h: Concert Choir of the University of Luxembourg, readings of some of the poets of Printemps
Maria Cabrera Callis (Girona, 1983) degree in Catalan Philology. Currently working corrector and translator for various publishers, work that combines with teaching in the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Barcelona. Is preparing a doctoral thesis in phonology. He has published books Jonah (Amadeu Oller Prize for young poets unpublished, 2004), Am clear (2009) and The city tired (Carles Riba award, 2016). Rhapsody is the musical The wild pea and Vladivostok, and co-organizer of the literary self fanzín heart furry.
Activity with the support of the Institut Ramon Llull.