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Conferència sobre Manuel de Pedrolo i la novel·la negra (S. Bennassar)

centennial Pedrolo

Thursday 22 November local, has the 19h, we present a lecture as part of the year dedicated to the author Manuel Pedrolo.

We will visit the Sebastian Bennassar, black contemporary Catalan literature expert and author of the new editorial Manuel Pedrolo – Survival Guide (Editorial Meteora, 2018). The book introduces us to the life and work of Pedrolo, and shows that its size far beyond Mecanoscrit second source, long-best-seller Catalan narrative.

Sebastian is a writer and journalist Bennassar. He has published dozens of books, including literary studies, novel·les negres i poemaris. He is the promoter and director of the festival Tiana Black, dedicated to black literature in Catalan. Remember that readers must earn a, and therefore has starred in hundreds of presentations, conferences and literary events throughout the country. Excel·lent coneixedor de la literatura portuguesa contemporània, just released spy thriller Hotel Metropole (Column, 2018). His visit to Luxembourg is a unique opportunity to get up to date on black literature Catalan.

Sebastian Bennassar

Sebastian Bennassar be presented by Luxembourg photographer and journalist Carlos Domingo, and bring copies of their latest books.