Wednesday 28 March, at 18.00, al local (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville) we present the lecture-concert
Women and exile
For the conference, will have Maria Angeles Cabre, literary critic and director of the Observatory of Cultural Gender. We discuss some of the double silence that prevailed in many women: because having been exiled for being women and. Such is the case of Aurora Bertrana, Rodoreda, Anna Muria, Teresa Pàmies and Teresa Rebull, central figure of this lecture-concert.
As for the music, have the live performance of duo Martha Rivers and William Ballaz. They will illustrate the conference with pieces by Teresa Rebull, they can also explain the situation to other women in a similar situation. The texts of the New Song called Grandma surprise us by force and validity.
Teresa Soler in bees Teresa Rebull (1919-2015) was political activist (daughter of two anarchists), Catalan singer and painter. Was exiled temporarily 1939 and definitely 1941. Then, lived in Marseille and Paris, where he collaborated with the Casal de Catalunya in Paris. In fact, thanks to Casal he met Raimon and was introduced to the world of Nova Cançó. Stop singing the 1980, with one big exception: a concert-tribute the 2006 to the Palau de la Música Catalana (with Lluís Llach, Maria del Mar Bonet and Josep Tero, among others). He has published ten albums and an autobiography. It should also be noted that the 1992 he received the St. George's Cross.
Free entrance.
"Women and exile" is included in the program Music and exile of the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia.