Wednesday 25 d’abril, coinciding with the Day of Outer Catalonia, we will announce the winner of the European literary competition of the 2021. Like l’last year, the winners of the Sant Jordi competitions of the European clubs will compete with each other. Also the Luxembourg winner, of couse. The participating stories (in the categories of short story and narrative) they will be evaluated by a jury made up of three prestigious writers:
We would like to thank the members of the jury for taking the time to read and rate the texts submitted to the competition. stride, we recommend you take a look at his latest works:
- Travel del mon Sebastian Alzamora
- I will not write your story Laia Fàbregas
- Living dangerously by Gemma Pasqual
Besides, this time, both winners will receive a prize: a writing course courtesy of the Letters Laboratory, to whom we thank for the collaboration. Specifically,, this is the course Imagine and write.
The announcement will be made in zoom and on social media at a time that we will communicate later.
The European literary competition 2021 is a collaboration of the casals of Brussels, Galicia, Geneva, Lausanne, Lisboa, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Munic, Nantes, Paris, Saragossa, Sevilla, Stuttgart, Toulouse, Vitoria and Zurich.