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Activity report 2021

Ens vam queixar força del 2020, però ni el 2021 ni el que va de 2022 han estat fàcils. For this reason, encara no tenim una data per a lannual general meeting d’enguany. Aquesta vegada, més que les sanitary conditions i les restriccions, hi ha hagut un factor d’imprevisibilitat i altres condicionants. El que sí tenim a punt és lActivity report for 2021, which you can download here. You will find a brief description, in Catalan, Spanish and French, de totes les activitats que vam organitzar l’any passat, accompanied by many photos. També inclou unes paraules del nostre president.

Informe d'activitats 2021

Dins lActivity report for 2021 we also ask you to send us your comments and opinions, both about past activities and about future activities we might mount. Send us any criticism or comments you may have and do not hesitate to let us know how we can help you..