Wednesday 2 February will prepare breakfast or, rather, a brunch. Propose a varied choice of dishes and saucers (sweet and savory) which accompany tea, coffee or Cacaolat. Stop the local table (88, Rue de la Semois; Luxembourg ville) at 11.30, but the firm will remain open until 14.00. Besides, we offer you a very competitive price (if you compare with other similar offers breakfast in the City of Luxembourg): 12 euros per a adults, 6 euros for children between 6 and 12 years, and free for children 6 years.
It will be an ideal time to talk and discuss everything that you feel like on the CCL or about life in Luxembourg. Among hands hands i (o glop i glop) You can send us your suggestions: what should we do to improve? What activity have missed? How to prepare a alvocado toast perfect? as you know, we do not just want your opinion but we need to go ahead with the Catalan Center the best way possible. I, if you have any criticism, it is time to make us arrive (croissants, recriminations make better spent).
In order to prepare the best brunch possible, ask you Book no later than Thursday 30 January. You can do so by sending an email to our usual address.
To finish, at 13.00 hours, celebrate our annual meeting. It has activities and numbers last year and this. This way, You can contribute your opinions, if you want, dune more formal. There can come green fees, because we want the feedback everyone.
Photography Wenjie, Zhang | A Certain Slant of Light – Breakfast at Escribà III, CC BY 2.0, Link
During the meeting circulate the report 2019 the summary of the activities. You can download it here.