The time has come to submit your texts to the Sant Jordi literary competition 2023 del CCL! for St. George for St. George, for St. George: national, European and global.
for St. George:
- Curt: from 500 a 1000 words
- Llarg: from 1500 a 2500 words
The call is now open. Any member of the CCL and anyone residing in Luxembourg or the greater region can participate. Any story in Catalan that complies with the rules will be accepted. for St. George. Please read the rules carefully and send us the texts to our contact address: you have time until 13 d’abril.
On the other band, together with other European schools and the FIEC we organize the European competition between the winners of the literary contests of each school, for St. George. Per tant, the winner of Luxembourg can aspire to win the European competition. The European jury is made up of three renowned writers. I, for the second year, the European champion will also compete for the world title at a later stage of the competition.
We will meet the winners of the European competition on the Day of External Catalonia.
You will find the complete rules of our Sant Jordi Literary Contest 2023 in this attached document.
Feel free to participate and good luck!