Wednesday 25 November, at 18 hours, we present a conference on Catalan comics. We will have the presence of three first swords from the world of comics, the cartoon and the comic. This is Jaume Capdevila "Kap", Jordi Riera and Marika Vila. We will close the evening with a dinner.
Specifically,, Jaume Capdevila will talk to us about the background of Catalan comics. For its part, Jordi Riera will review the evolution of Catalan comics from the Franco era to the present day. Finally, Marika Vila will tell us what role women have played in Spanish comics before and now.
For this activity we have the collaboration of l’Tebeosphere Cultural Association.
On the other band, at the end of the talks, we can share a bread with tomato with speakers and attendees, which will allow us to finish going deeper, a more relaxed, in perhaps not main aspects that have aroused the public's interest. The price of dinner is 10 euros and we would like to ask you to sign up so we can predict the number of diners. You can do this by sending us a message to our usual address.
the guests
James Capdevila, better known as Kap, collaborates with publications like La Vanguardia, Sports world, Thursday, El Triangle, The Black Web and, among others international ones, Courrier International. He 2009 won the Gat Perich Humor award. He has published about fifty works among drawing books, essays and others more difficult to classify. He 2021 published the graphic novel wild horses, with a script by the writer Jordi Cussà.
Jordi Riera is an artist, writer and disseminator of the world of comics and graphic humor. He has published several reference works in studies in this area. Besides, he has served as curator of highly successful exhibitions.
Maria del Carmen Villa Migueloa, better known as Marika Vila, she is an illustrator and cartoonist. Publish illustrations and comics from 1973. He has also drawn romantic comics and, above all, author comic through media like Troy, Rambla, Sausage! O The Papus. From the years 1980, works for the publishing house Planeta-DeAgostini. She has been curator of exhibitions On the theoretical side, it should be noted that she has a doctorate in Humanities with a thesis on the representation of women in comics.