The Weekend 26 to the 28 Printemps des poètes will be celebrated in Luxembourg in April 2024, with the participation of the poet Raquel Casas Agustí. The guest of the Catalan Center will take part in the recitals of saturday evening and Neimünster i de sunday morning a la galerie Simoncini. Besides, as is tradition, there will be an opening recital on Friday evening at the Kulturfabrik in Esch-sur-Alzette. You can consult the full program this link.
A few days after our celebration of St. George Luxembourg's most international poetry festival is coming. Twelve poets from different countries will take part from Friday 26 of April at seven in the evening. The first session will occupy the stage of the Culture factory. colors will host, as almost always, the second and main session of the festival, also from the 19 hours. Finally, Sunday we will meet at 11 in the morning at the Simoncini gallery, in the city center.
Raquel Casas
Our guest this year is Raquel Casas Agustí. Born in Vilanova i la Geltrú on 1974, she has a degree in Hispanic Philology and a doctorate in Spanish Literature of the s. XX. Works as a Language and Literature teacher at the INS Dolors Mallafrè i Ros de Vilanova i la Geltrú. He has published books of poetry astrolabe, The edges of Paradise, The bilingual woman (translated into Spanish), Pour the pitcher, Estimate Nick Kamen and contraction (Valencia prize of the Alfons el Magnànim Foundation). As for the narrative, has published the volume of stories Balconies spitting stockings, the short novel Glitch (Mollerussa award) and soon the youth novel Wound (Joaquim Ruyra award). hosts a concert by Maria del Mar Bonet, shares the videopodcast and videopoetry project called geMMinades with the also poet Lídia Gàzquez, and leads the book club “Thursday between letters” at the Manuel de Pedrolo library in Sant Pere de Ribes.