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Midsummer Eve 2024

The day 15 in June, don't miss the St. John's Eve 2024 (a bit advanced) that he prepared for us in Keispelt. We will have dinner, concert and party with our old friends Nieves Mar and Emilio Sánchez.

Midsummer Eve 2024

We are waiting for you from 18.30 hours. The menu will be a paella followed by Sant Joan cake (ready on site for our team) and burnt. On the other band, the concert will start around 21.00 hours. We will have two old acquaintances from the CCL: Neus Mar and Emilio Sánchez. We want it to be a great party. Per tant, the repertoire will include a wide range of Mediterranean and festive styles: rumba, cumbia, havanera, are i any surprise. Always with the quality and friendliness guaranteed by Neus and Emilio.

Per a la festa tornarem a Keispelt, where we have always felt welcome. In fact, we will go to exactly the same room where we celebrated the calçotada in recent years: the Music hall Keespelt-Meespelt. The address is 35 rue Pierre Dupong, Keispelt.

The price of dinner and concert is 30 euros (partners of the CCL), 40 euros (non-members) O 15 euros for children under 16 years (fins a 5 years admission is free). Places for dinner are limited and, so, ask you you sign up by sending us a message to our contact address. Limit date: 13 June.

It is also possible to attend the concert only, per 20 euros (burning included).