We are ready for the new season ofRecreation Center Catalan, the 2024-205. Little ones can participate from 3 years (completed in September 2024). They will be 1h30 sessions with two groups separated by age. This year, thanks to the collaboration with the Luxembourg Ministry of Education, the play is moved to Lycée Athenee Luxembourg. Unfortunately we will not have library service, but you can go downtown (88, Rue de la Semois) on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm to borrow books.Parents will not have access to the new facilities and it will be the monitors who will collect the children at the entrance. There will also not be a snack after Esplai, however, if the weather conditions and the desire allow us, we can continue the chat in Parc de Merl, which is right in front.
14h30 a 16h
Lycée Athenee Luxembourg (24, Bd Pierre Dupong; 1430 Hollerich, Luxembourg)
This year we will have two classes and each one will have a main instructor (Carlota / Eulalia) and a support one (Clara / Ernest). Eulàlia is the new monitor this year.
- 19 d'octubre 2024
- 16 November 2024
- 14 December 2024
- 18 January 2025
- 8 February 2025
- 1 March 2025
- 29 March 2025
- 17 May 2025
- 14 June 2025
Annual price per child: 50 € (partners) / 70 € (non-members).
For this reason, we recommend that atake advantage of the opportunity to become members of the CCL (single family quota: 70€/any).
A part, this year we give away an Esplai shirt for each registration.
Sign up by sending an email to us usual address before the1 d'octubre, indicating "Splai CCL + Name" in the subject line. cal send us: 1) the registration form you will find here, and 2) a passport photo of the boy/girl.
On the other band, will make payment to the account number of the CCL: LU42 1111 0921 6616 0000 a la CCP, making the concept "Splai CCL + Name" at the entrance.