El Centre Català de Luxemburg us destija bon Nadal i feliç 2025.
stride, podeu prendre nota de les primeres activitats de l’any vinent:
- 11 January 2025: Jordi Savall at Philharmonie
- 18 January 2025: Recreation
- 22 January 2025: session dedicated to Literary Cafe Sunset and fascination by Eva Baltasar
- 30 January 2025: Rita Paid at the Philharmonie
- 2 February 2025: conta-contes al local
- Of 7 de febrer al 9 March 2025: Film Series – Pel·lícules confirmades: House in flames, They know that one and mummies (children's). Pendents de confirmació, Valencian and He 47.
- 8 February 2025: Recreation
- 1 March 2025: Recreation
- 19 March 2025: session dedicated to Literary Cafe I am the last square d'Alba Gómez Gabriel
- 23 March 2025: calçotada with Dumingu's concert
- 29 March 2025: play The last days of republican Catalonia, from Terra Teatre