Wednesday 2 February, at 11 in the morning, the venue hosts the children's show Very small and daring. It is presented to us by Cata story teller, also coneguda with La conteuse catalane.
Very small and daring is a show of traditional and forgotten Catalan stories, that makes us travel through fantastic stories. We will discover very small characters (Millet spike, the minairons and the Patufet, per example) who are capable of doing incredible things.
With the voice, the gesture, the interaction with the public and his kamishibaï (small theater of images), the Cata story teller creates a new universe every time.
This is a show for all audiences from the age of three. The capacity is limited and, so, we ask you to book by sending an email to us usual address.
He price of the show is of 8 euros for members and 10 Non-members.