Anna K.

Author / Author: Rosselló, Martí

Published: 2000

Editorial:Narrative in Catalan

Cams: 260

ISBN: 9788477272892 Category:


Melodrama extreme, the most surprising of the infinite number of oddities—incest, murders, transsexual tutors, kidnappings, consanguineous relationships… - what this novel presents to us is that the reader literally feels trapped. Distant a base de fer-se invisible, Martí Rosselló knows how to cancel any struggle between virtue and vice, and the moral sordidness that he sets before us is presented as naturally as possible, as if the set of anecdotes and creepy situations that Anna K. it must be overcome if they were nothing more than a faithful reflection of reality, without gimmick or artifice. Shrouded by shame, we will be admiring witnesses of our resignation in the face of excesses and outrageous coincidences, always fascinated and surprised by the plot turbulences. And what ends up exciting is that, although the physical and moral disintegration is immense, although the coincidences are indescribable, the author and the characters manage to show an extraordinary desire to resist and live. Probably the great lesson of this unclassifiable novel.


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