No being knows what tomorrow holds., nor does anyone know in what land they will die… the holy quran 31,34 «…I was lucky. Vladimir Ramírez met me very close to the Caracas mosque, where I went every Friday to pray. By ?n had agreed for us to record the interview. And in the middle of recording the phone interrupted us. It was his brother… Carlos the Jackal. He handed it to me so I could say hello., and our first conversation began in Arabic… Later, after my paramilitary training, of contact with ETA and the FARC in Venezuela, and contacts with Hizbullah in Lebanon and with Hamas in Palestine, the Jackal would become my mentor and would call me directly every week to give me instructions..." After six years in?filtered under the identity ?Muhammad Abdallah's involvement in various terrorist organizations, El Palestino sees the light, a surprising chronicle in which the well-known investigative journalist Antonio Salas tells us about this time living on the edge, to try to reveal to its readers what is true or false in the terrifying news that hits us every day about the escalation of violence in the world. Spain, Palestine, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Mauritania, Venezuela, Egypt,Sweden, Lebanon… are the settings for this unprecedented investigation, so valuable that it surpasses the boundaries of paper. Antonio Salas has designed a revolutionary website, complementary consultation to reading the book, with unpublished material that will help better understand the gigantic puzzle of international terrorism. El Palestino is a new way of understanding investigative journalism
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