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Of 13 to the 15 March: Migration Festival and Book Fair 2015

The Weekend 13 to the 15 March, Our annual event returns to the pavilion exhibition LuxExpo, al conegut barri del Kirchberg de la ciutat de Luxemburg. Se celebra la 32a edició del Festival des Migrations, Cultures and Citizenship, organized, every year, he CLAE. Festival 2015 Hundreds of associations are displayed the diversity of the communities living in Luxembourg. Will be three days of music, discussions, gastronomic diversity and more in a festival that annually visit more 25.000 people. Aquesta és combina amb el 15è Salon du Livre de Luxembourg, meeting point for writers, editors and readers of all cultures and languages ​​present in the Grand Duchy.

The Catalan Center Luxembourg will be present in two forms: with a stop of about Catalonia and the Catalan Center, i amb la llibreria catalana a l’entrada del recinte (dins unStand des littératures hispaniques”).

Those willing and able to devote some time to help us in any of the booths CCL, you will be most welcome. You can send an email with your availability to our usual address. Thanks.

De les múltiples activitats del Festival destaquem la taula rodonaL’accueil au Luxembourg : nouvelles immigrations, nouvelles solidarités?”, Friday 13 at 19.30; la xerradaLe droit de vote des étrangers : un principe d’égalité”, Saturday 14 at 17.00; la conferència de l’escriptor resident a Barcelona Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Saturday 14 at 15.30; i el concert del grup barceloní Lenacay, Saturday 14 from the 21.30.